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The Prophecy of Aries and Gemini 2

Astrology Compatibility

The instant bond between Aries and Gemini is common for obvious reasons. Both Aries and Gemini love to live in the moment and crave for independence and autonomy. Both of these signs can be careless, immature and impulsive in their own ways. These common attributes tend to make them natural friends, often for a lifetime.

Aries understands Gemini’s need for variety and constant change and doesn’t get confused with their dual personality. This can benefit Gemini a lot. Gemini, on the other hand, has no desire to lead and rule the world and lets Aries take over these roles willingly, which deeply satisfies Aries.

Aries Gemini compatibility can be seen in a rather interesting way in professional or business associations, especially when marketing, communications and sales are involved. Aries can think of plans very well as they put their hearts into it and Gemini can use their intellect and sharp mind to execute them. Aries Gemini horoscope matching indicates harmony and tolerance towards each other’s flaws.

Perfect Match

Gemini is graceful, careful, good hostess, versatile and imaginative. Gemini is symbolized by twins. Aries are active, brainy, intelligent, and curious – a good reader therefore having a lot of knowledge in Aries’ brain bank. Aries are blessed by a good memory also. Aries go for intelligence rather than anything else in a person. An overbearing partner does not attract an Aries and Gemini also don’t want to cling on an Aries man always. Gemini knows how to seduce Aries and make use of their beauty as weapons. Highly passionate and Aries like to have fun in love. They are lively in spite of your complex nature. Aries know how to light up the surrounding. Romance attracts them more than physical pleasure. Aries like to express their feelings in different ways. They easily make friends and get along with anyone without any superficiality. That is why Aries are liked by all from peon to boss.

When both are together:

Gemini is airy and Aries is fiery. Both are natural friends and support each other. Gemini lover likely to win over your Aries lover from the very beginning. Gemini lover find Aries interesting and attractive. Gemini lover are a perfect passionate man for Aries lover. It looks like a strange combination that the two different types of people are together but they will complement each other. You both possess a lot of energy and have common goals in life.

You are a great thinker and you may take time to come to any decision whereas Aries lover is decisive. Gemini lover is attracted by an Aries’ independent approach to life as Gemini also love to maintain their personal identity & their freedom, just like the Aries. Aries lover is attracted to Gemini lover’s intelligence and may get off with Gemini’s indecisiveness. But Aries lover will always be happy to help Gemini out. Actually, Aries loves Gemini’s intellect and likes to help Gemini with the qualities by which Aries is able to complement Gemini’s traits. Gemini’s spontaneity, wit and charm stimulate Aries even in Gemini’s absence. Gemini’s mutual interests bind them together. Both are better combination to work together. An Aries lover stimulates Gemini’s mind with new ideas and Gemini’s spontaneity never lets the enthusiasm go low or get bored of it.

Gemini is an airy sign. It is with an agreeable position with fire. When you give air to fire it expands. So Aries will expect this relationship when matched with Geminians. Aries will become attracted to Gemini’s intelligence and ambitious behavior which is motivating too. Aries will not feel bore with Gemini as they’re talkative and expressive. Gemini’s wits will match Aries aggressiveness. You both will be good friends and will share each and every thought with each other. Variety, innovation, action will be maintained and balanced. With Gemini, Aries will feel young. Variation in life will not make Aries feel stale and that suits their persona. Whereas Gemini also get along with Aries as their young disposition is matched to their style. Impulsiveness of Aries will manage Gemini indecisiveness and restlessness. You both will complement each other in many traits. As hot headed Aries may sometimes get rash whereas Geminian partner then control Aries with Gemini’s intelligence.


Both form an excellent pair as both possess a lot of energy that makes it lively and a lovely pair. Aries is ruled by Mars therefore possesses a lot of energy and passion whereas Gemini is a Sun sign ruled by Mercury makes them a good communicator. Gemini have to understand that your Aries lover may lack expression of feelings. Aries’ feelings are exhibited through their passion. Sometimes you may feel absence of words may stimulate love. But you cannot expect the same from your Aries partner as they may feel lost in finding suitable words for their feelings. You both spice each other’s love life with your wild ideas. You love gossiping and discussing together to feel relaxed after the day’s work. You both never get bored in company of each other. Since Gemini is a Sun and is placed third from Aries and this is a position of ‘friendship’. You tend to encourage one another and are apt to share pleasurable activities together.

Love Match & Marriage Compatibility

Love and romance between Aries and Gemini happens in a flip of a second. Aries is a fire sign and Gemini an air sign. If their elements work in harmony, the air will fan fires of passion very well. Because of their many similarities, both of them will be attracted towards each other very fast. When it comes to setting love relationship and marriage compatibility, however, the Aries-Gemini pair will need to work on their restlessness, impatience and immaturity. Aries can get jealous fast and will have to ensure they do not try to control their Gemini lover for nothing is scarier and more threatening to Gemini than loss of their freedom. Gemini will have to curb their urge to be way too critical about their Aries lover as Aries can be very resentful when their ego and pride are hurt. Let your Aries lover feel secure with your affections and your Aries lover will return their’s double.

Sex between the two lovers will be vibrant and colorful. Aries believes in fairy tale romances and exhibits extreme form of passion in love making, whereas Gemini expresses love with wonderful imagination albeit with a lack of depth. Both appreciate variety in their sex lives. It's not too soon that they will get bored in the bedroom.

Both Aries and Gemini are freedom loving and least bothered about building a secure and solid future, although Aries lover fears loss and separation much more than Gemini. Still, neither of these signs will force each other to pin down and settle fast. This cool and casual behavior can be both good and bad for their relationship predictably. They will enjoy being together as their romance will be tender and delicate, comprising a lot of chattiness and friendly talks. Along with that, there will be frequent quarrels and arguments as both the signs are very communicative and spontaneous. Neither love nor hatred between them will be too serious and deep, just the way both the signs want it to be.

A quite excellent combination. But as Geminians are mostly confused in their selection so take in mind that Aries have to support them in confusion and selection and so Aries may feel tired when go for shopping with their Gemini. Cooperation will make Gemini feel livelier and aggressiveness will make them off. Aries are always there for their Gemini lover and makes them feel secure- especially when Gemini is restless. On other hand, a Gemini should avoid comparing an Aries from a previous partner they had (if any) that could lead them to confusion and let them think that they’re less worthy even if it does not mean anything for a Gemini. It is better to let them feel special cause’ Aries are the best in showing affections you’ll never think of.


You are more friends than partners. You both are very loyal to each other. Though it is a strange combination but you both can have a good affair leading to a stable relationship!

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